Sunday, April 8, 2012

"Hello, It's me..."

Long time, no see, eh?

Just when I was feeling comfortable with my progress, I was hit with some awful news...A couple of paying gigs! Suddenly the machine shuts down and the whole works grind to a screeching halt.

Even as enthusiastic as I am about these projects, I feel as though I'm relearning everything from the ground up as I go. This shouldn't be so hard for someone in my shoes. Too many years of nothing but rearranging clipart and text boxes apparently shoves the talent portion to the dark and dusty corners of the brainpan.

Anyhoo - I seem to be back on a roll (jinx) and making some headway. But nothing I can post at this time.

Back in December I had the good fortune to win an iPad or the cash equivalent. I, of course, opted for the cash equivalent (in the form of gift cards) which I sat on until March. After much heavy deliberation, I finally came up with the perfect item on which to spend my winnings.

A new iPad!

A nifty device, but I still don't know how much use I'll really get out of it.

In between anxiety attacks and waiting for ridiculous huge files to save, I have been experimenting with a really cool app called SketchBook Pro.

It's loaded with lots of cool tools and seems surprisingly sophisticated.

Here's a simple doodle that was just an experiment with various brushes and textures.


I know. I know. That was a lot of yakkety-yak to build up to that.

Anyway, it's a little something for anyone who is still interested in a peek inside the attic.

As usual, Thanks fer lookin'!

UPDATE! Immediately after I posted this, I decided to wind down for the evening and this happened...

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