Sunday, January 29, 2012

"...and now back to our regularly scheduled program..."

Ok - Back from hiatus. I've been encouraged to post SOMETHING each week, regardless of how little I've accomplished or whether I've achieved what I thought I set out to do. This has been unbelievably difficult, but I am determined to get back what I think I've lost track of...

So here's some developmental sketches for a collaboration that's been in the idea stages for a long time. It ain't much, but it is SOMETHING.

Any feedback ya wanna send my way is much appreciated.
Thanks fer lookin'!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

"Oh, Robot!"

Sometimes I'll start something and end up not knowing what to do with it. It will sit in a folder and every few months I'll play around with it again. Here's the latest attempt at this robot graphic...

Thanks fer lookin'!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mini Update

Hi, Everyone! I wanted to drop a line here to direct you to a companion to this blog:

When I started my blog, it was with a kick in the pants from my friend Nadine as I mentioned before. Nadine is also a very talented artist and I am always really grateful for the encouragement she sents my way! When she suggested some art challenges, I thought it would be neat to share both our versions in a joint blog.

She accepted the idea and we began a blog with the notion of sharing ideas and techniques and just general enthusiasm for art related stuff.

I'm happy to say she took off running with it and I'm pretty excited with what she started.

I hope you'll give it a look.

Now I gotta pick up the gauntlet...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

"...fair to middlin' with a pencil..."

So here's week two's sketch.

Making up my mind seems to be the hardest obstacle in this little endeavor. It isn't what I started out with, but came about while having difficulties warming up. I still like the idea, but not crazy about the end result.

This drawing is 100% digital. I'm finding that I really enjoy inking and coloring with my Wacom digital drawing tablet, but I get much better results when I begin with at least a sketch on real paper with a real pencil. A solid drawing comes more naturally to me the traditional way.

At least I'm learning something as I attempt to climb out From Under the Rock...

Feel free to leave comments or critiques or questions...

Thanks fer lookin'!

Monday, January 2, 2012

"...rushin' down the freeway, messed around and got lost..."

Once upon a time, drawing was as natural as breathing to me. Didn't even have to think about it. Could've been an automated reflex.

Not so much anymore.

The point of this little ol' sketch-blog is to give myself a regular exercise to flex my creative muscles once again.  I've been kicking this around for quite a while, now. I decided I'd share whatever develops (no sense keeping it all locked away).

I thought I'd start by getting back to basics with some cartooning. Here is my first post which began, believe it or not, TWO MONTHS ago. It may not look like much, but I've found even the simplest of things has become mentally and physically challenging.

So with a whack upside the head from an "inspirational baseball bat" by my friend Nadine (AKA  Zejan the Wonder Monkey), I present my very first sketchy-thingie:

Hope ya like it and hope ya come back for more.
Thanks fer lookin'!