Monday, January 2, 2012

"...rushin' down the freeway, messed around and got lost..."

Once upon a time, drawing was as natural as breathing to me. Didn't even have to think about it. Could've been an automated reflex.

Not so much anymore.

The point of this little ol' sketch-blog is to give myself a regular exercise to flex my creative muscles once again.  I've been kicking this around for quite a while, now. I decided I'd share whatever develops (no sense keeping it all locked away).

I thought I'd start by getting back to basics with some cartooning. Here is my first post which began, believe it or not, TWO MONTHS ago. It may not look like much, but I've found even the simplest of things has become mentally and physically challenging.

So with a whack upside the head from an "inspirational baseball bat" by my friend Nadine (AKA  Zejan the Wonder Monkey), I present my very first sketchy-thingie:

Hope ya like it and hope ya come back for more.
Thanks fer lookin'!


  1. All done in Illustrator, after a sketch with a ball-point pen, Tim.

  2. Love it! I'm in the process of writing my first book. (Not sure on the length yet so couldnt say if its going to be classified as a short story, novelette, novella, or the classic novel) I would like to collaborate on a cover with you. Let me know if you're interested!

  3. Dude love it!! cant wait to see whats next..

  4. i was just thinking maybe some time when your bored an in a drawing kinda mood :) you could design a tattoo for me.
    kinda thinking (tribal) in the shape of a infinity symbol .
