Sunday, January 8, 2012

"...fair to middlin' with a pencil..."

So here's week two's sketch.

Making up my mind seems to be the hardest obstacle in this little endeavor. It isn't what I started out with, but came about while having difficulties warming up. I still like the idea, but not crazy about the end result.

This drawing is 100% digital. I'm finding that I really enjoy inking and coloring with my Wacom digital drawing tablet, but I get much better results when I begin with at least a sketch on real paper with a real pencil. A solid drawing comes more naturally to me the traditional way.

At least I'm learning something as I attempt to climb out From Under the Rock...

Feel free to leave comments or critiques or questions...

Thanks fer lookin'!


  1. Very nice, Eric. I like how your work is simple yet detailed. Keep it up. I look forward to seeing the next one!

  2. awesome wacom digital drawing bro!!
